My Bag Lady Bags

My Bag Lady Bags

When I left home at a young age I ended up in some seedy places.  In San Francisco and New York I experienced the plight of the homeless, and even felt the possibility that if I wasn’t careful and lucky I too could face that hardship.

For some it has become a lifestyle choice. I appreciate the candor and pluck of those who call themselves the “Home-free” and I’ve learned that “all who wander are not lost”. Yet the concept of home is so essential to me after settling down, working in public housing, as a realtor, and as an artist, activist and observer of our culture, it gives me pleasure to help create opportunities for those who wants to become “stakeholders” and connect to a place.

In Ashland I have seen, through kindness of community, many people transform their lives, make friends, find meaning and gain a sense of belonging. I have been fortunate to develop my art career here and for a long time, I have used old paper sacks for my warm-up poses at life drawing.  Now I can share that work and put it to good use by selling my “bag lady bags” as a contribution to our area’s work for shelter program.   Thanks for your support.

Catie Faryl